Observatory of Examples of How Open Data and Generative AI Intersect

A growing observatory of examples of how open data from official sources and generative artificial intelligence (AI) are intersecting across domains and geographies.

Share your project for inclusion. We seek to learn from generative AI initiatives that use open government and research data across a Spectrum of Scenarios. More information on each scenario can be found in our report: A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI.

Bayaan Platform

Bayaan is a conversational tool developed by the Statistics Centre Abu Dhabi that aims to improve access to data from the Statistical Department. The tool uses generative AI to rapidly provide decision makers with data analytics, visualizations, and information that they can use in their decision making processes. The data included  focuses on 7 areas and indicators: "Economy, Population, Industry, Social Statistics, Labour Force, Agriculture, and Environment." 







Start Date


Location: United Arab Emirates