Developed by the DS-I Africa (a research program in the United States funded by the National Institutes of Health) and the University of KwaZulu-Natal, DataLaw.Bot is a generative AI chatbot launched in October 2024 for researchers from several countries across the African continent to use in assessing data sharing regulations for scientific research. The chatbot was adapted from ChatGPT with national level data sharing regulations with the goal of increasing access to research data across the continent.
A growing observatory of examples of how open data from official sources and generative artificial intelligence (AI) are intersecting across domains and geographies.
Share your project for inclusion. We seek to learn from generative AI initiatives that use open government and research data across a Spectrum of Scenarios. More information on each scenario can be found in our report: A Fourth Wave of Open Data? Exploring the Spectrum of Scenarios for Open Data and Generative AI.